Friday, 18 May 2012

Forgotten Buildings Need Your Help!!

Further from the crumbling blacksmith's shed that I blogged about in my last post, I was reading through this month's Country Life and saw this article from the Victorian Society and just had to write about it:

"The annual hunt for Britain’s saddest Victorian and Edwardian Building starts this month. The Victorian Society is asking historians, local campaigners and enthusiasts to name and shame neglected buildings between 1837 and 1914 in their locality, from major country houses to mills, pubs, churches, libraries, swimming pools and schools. Buildings do not need to be listed, but they must be at risk of demolition, neglect or insensitive development.

Closing date is July 17 and the top 10 will be announced in the autumn. To enter your nominations, please contact the Victorian Society at the above link."

This type of work is really important as otherwise these building's may go unnoticed until it is too late.

Oldham Town Hall - on the VS top ten endangered list 2009.